Saturday, November 6, 2010

Some Information

Hello everyone, I hope this early morning finds you all doing well, I was thinking since I posted earlier today about terrorism, about how little many people may know about what we discussing, sure I know just about everyone knows something about terrorism, like who Al Qaeda is, and that there central base of command is in Afghanistan and Pakistan, yet I can't help but think that the American public as well as non US Citizens needs to know much more, than we already do.

Lately I have been getting upset because I have been hearing not only protesters from other countries saying that Afghanistan is the war that we (As Americans) wanted, but now I am actually hearing Americans and US residents saying the same thing. It is as if the attacks on Sept 11, 2001 never really happened, somewhere there is a belief going around that President Bush had been spoiling for a fight and out of the blue we invaded Afghanistan.

I understand that 9/11 was nine years ago, but are our memories really that short? I also understand that many of our soldiers who are now fighting in Afghanistan and other parts of the middle east were as young as nine years old when the planes hit the World Trade Center, Pentagon and nose dived into that field in Shanks ville, Pa. so for them the actual event may be just a fleeting memory in a blur of childhood memories. What really appalls me today is how it seems many people act like it never happened and the United States has reverted to it's past and I again seeking to re-enact the Manifest Destiny orginally used as an excuse in going to war with Mexico back in the 1840's.

Well for all you Manifest Destiny conspiracy theorist's believe me the United States has absolutely no desire to make Afghanistan and Iraq the 51st and 52nd states, and another thing is I really don't understand those Americans who act like we have no business being in Afghanistan, to you I say what the hell is wrong with you. Granted Iraq may be a differnt story when it come to debating if we should have invaded or not and their are alot of valid view points, although I personaly believe we did the right thing when it came to Iraq but that's a different blog entry.

So here is the point of this blog entry is to let my "loyal" readers know that I am going to start exploring different aspects of the terrorism story that may have been forgotten in the past 9 years, so stand by because my first entry will be covering where I was on 9/11 as I was still active duty on board the USS Dubuque, LPD-8 and saw some intresting things being on of the first military units on the scene. Well God Bless All of you and I will be looking forward to exloring terrorism with you.

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