Friday, September 24, 2010

Time, No Time

Hello all, that's if there is anyone out there actually reading this blog, it just seems I don't get a whole lot of time to work with this as I want to, with school and a family it is very hard. My dream for this blog is to keep posting at least once a day, even if there is no one reading it as I just like to write and I don't have allot of people around to voice my opp ion on things.

There is always something going on during my day that I either like or don't and I just want to let it be known how I feel, I wish it was easier to mobile blog on here because I have tons of time commuting on the San Diego Trolley going back and forth to school. I spend about 4 hours a day at school and about the same amount of time going back and forth from school. If there was a better way to Mobile blog on here I would probably get more posted.

Today is Friday and I'm going to try and get some things posted on here in between doing homework and hanging with my family, which is something I love to do very much. As for now I am at the San Diego City College learning resource center and need to get some books for a project I am working on for US History, my project is going to be on the Iroquois Confederacy. I like studying the History of the US Indians and how they were treated in our past effects them up to the present time.

Oh one interesting side not on my project on the Iroquois is that my wife Sandi is like half Onondaga which is a tribe of the Confederacy, so in doing this project I'm hoping it may help her learn some of her heritage.

Well everyone I have to get this done, I hope all my loyal readers have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Update on Ads at San Diego Schools

Just a quick note before I head off to school, while watching the local news this morning it was reported by KFMB News 8 San Diego that the San Diego Board of Education voted down the proposal to place advertisements in various places on school campus's to try and bring additional funds to the cash strapped district.

According to News 8 the only board member that gave it a affirmative nod was the school board president himself, who commented that this proposal should be put before the board again, however this time seeking parent's input. I totally agree that it should be brought before the board again and I will keep you updated.

San Diego public schools to consider campus ads

Hey here is a new one I've never thought of, and surprised they haven't already been doing it. Schools all over the US just like any business (and face it public schools are a big business) have been hurting financially. All of them are scrambling to find ways either to save money or make money and lets face it the ways many of them have been trying to save money has been doing nothing but hurting our children. Instead of loosing teachers let all schools consider what San Diego is considering; allowing advertising around the school districts campus's.

In an article by Dana Chivvs in AOL news dated 23 March 2010, California's education budget was cut by $17 billion over the past two years with another $2.4 billion getting the axe during the 2010 school year. Also as of the date on her article 23,500 California public school employees had been laid off, and I'm not sure of the number as of today's date I'm quite sure that numbers grown larger despite President Obama's attempts to put a halt to the lay offs nation wide.

During a meeting of the Kansas City, Mo. School Board of Education in March it was announced that they plan on closing down almost half of all their district's schools in 2011 to try and erase a $50 million budget shortfall for next year. The closing of these schools will also result in the loss of 700 jobs, 285 of those teachers.

I could go on all night about all the emergency cost cutting actions being taken by school boards all over the country, with the exception possibly of Wyoming and South Dakota which have large oil and coal revenues to rely on, but I won't because we all are aware of the problems.

Now I know there will be a lot of parents and others who will be totally up in arms about San Diego's proposal to allow advertising in the schools, but I ask you will this advertising hurt? The ads won't be in classrooms to distract the students, the school board will be very selective on what advertising they allow and besides our children are pounded with ads everywhere else including the home.

I say lets back San Diego in this proposal, this is an easy why to bring in revenue; saving education programs and keeping teachers in the classroom instead of the unemployment lines. Our children are going to be hurt far more by not allowing this advertising because as budgets get cut its the student who looses now, in the long run remember these children are our country's future and with out a quality education our future leaders won't now how to lead.

Save our children by saving their education, let them advertise corn flakes in the cafeteria, running shoes in the locker room and video games in the halls, it's not like I'm saying stick a billboard for cigarettes in the schools. These are ads they see everyday, lets let these ads help in their education.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thought I might get on here and just say a bit about the San Bruno fire, its scary right now PG&E right now of course are trying to cover their asses, which is what you would expect any company to do, and all their failures will come out in the investigation.

What I want to bring up is the responsibility of each city, county, township or what ever jurisdiction you may live in. The local government is overall for the citizens well being and should be watching and keeping records of every bit of construction that has or will occur in their area. Now I've heard to conflicting story's about the age of this gas line, but the two dates out their are 1948 and 1956, either way old for a pipe and defiantly not up to the codes we have today.

Now above I did say it is the local governments responsibility which it is, however the overall responsibility for our safety and well being is ours, get involved, attend a council meeting. Find out when the pipes (Gas, Water, Sewer) where installed in your town, make the council and the utility companies responsible for the pipes test them if they are over 20 years old. The next disaster may not happen for 10 years but do you want it to be in your neighborhood.

One last thing, do you know what kind of pipes do run under your streets? Few people know because of the large military presence in the San Diego area there are highly vol tile jet fuel pipes running all over San Diego County transferring fuel to Naval Air Station North Island and Marine Corp Station Mirimar. Check it out because I be live some of those went underground as long ago as the mid 1930's. God help San Diego if one of these lines rupture.

Think about it!!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hey good evening I'm actually


Ok this well be the introduction to this blog. This is the first time I have ever tried mobile blogging and the funny thing is I'm not that good at writing a regular blog, although I enjoy writing very much yet I have this feeling people don't really care for my writing.

It's not that I write anything really contraversal or anything like that, if there is a problem with my blogs in the past it just might be that everyone I have done to date have been expeiments that have never made it past the two week mark before they went their way to blog heaven or hell I guess depending how alful they actually were

Now you are probably sitting there thinking ok Duane what is going to be differnt about this blog? Well first I won't lie to you, there is most likely no differnce so if you are planning on becoming a follower don't be suprised if you see no more posted here after two weeks or so. Hmm you know I've never had a follower either so no one may ever resd this. Well here it goes.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Starting Over

Hello all, I know this blog of mine has gotten pretty shaky and I know if I tell the truth it never really got off the ground. I can come up with several excuses but the main reason is that I 'm just pretty lazy as you can see how I was actually doing posts while I was exploring Facebook and I tell you some times I wish I had never discovered Facebook because it can take control of your life and keep you from getting important stuff done.

The games on Facebook are actually are what is troublesome for me, I have no problem going on Facebook if I can just go on and do my updates, check friends posts and commenting to a few. For me the games I have a hard time with is Farmville, and the games involving fish and aquariums. Those games involving the mob or vikings and wizards doesn't really interest me.

Probably the reason I like the games I do has to do with thoughts and memories dwelling in my subconscious because i lived and worked on a farm in Scott County, KS from the ages of 12 to 18 and because I was farming and had little free time and the little I did have was devoted to homework, eating, sleeping and my aquariums.

Well I guess that's enough of that for today, I'm just being honest with my readers; which I know is zero at this moment but I am being honest. I want this to be a fresh start, I do want to get on here and publish at least one entry a day even if just to say hi and let everyone know what I had for lunch that day.

Now there will be a major distraction this time, as I am attending college full time under the 9/11
GI Bill, (I will talk more about that on another entry). There is no doubt there will be a vast amount of home work. I am already in my second semester at San Diego City College. This semester I will be taking: History Of Mexico, World History I, US History I, The American Political System, and General Astronomy.

Oh well that's it for today, I think someday I Will have some readers; I'm just going to strive to make this blog interesting.
