Aircraft Carriers George Washington and Abraham Licnoln/Photos US Navy
he world is much different than it was in the 1950's, China at that time had very little connections to the outside world besides the Soviet Union, today China has a major economic stake in the United States and our allies. China will not ...publicly announce this but they are tired of North Korea and the dead weight that regime is hanging around their neck and most likely have little military reaction to a north-south conflict. As far as North Korea they know if there is a conflict between them and the south it will be political suicide for them, It would end their reign and they love the luxury and money that they deny their own people to risk loosing it, so right now I believe it is just the son demonstrating to his father he is ready to take the helm of power. Of course I have been wrong before, lets just pray I am reading the situation correctly.
I want to study the situation a bit more and see what the reaction will be once the US warships arrive in the area, however I think the north's main reaction is most likely going to be similar to their little show of force today of just firing off shell's in their own territory.
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