I just wanted to say something about this, I'm not sure the whole story but what I do know about it is making me so sick at this moment. Just the title "The Pedophiles Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lovers Code of Conduct," makes me want to puke.
I am going to college right now at San Diego City College to get my degree in history, and if you are going to college or have in the past few years you know how expensive text books can be, so Amazon is often one of the book dealers I turn to when I need used text books, I like them. But now what are we to do, how can a reputable business with any type of ethics even consider carrying a book like this in their inventory?
Never have I thought that any business remotely main stream would carry a title like this. This is the type of book in my mind I could be sold in the dark reaches of the Internet, you know the same web pages that the FBI is searching for that sells child pornography, or some nasty motel room that has a sign in the front window reading "rooms for rent by the hour".
So now what should we do, should we start a group that goes through Amazon and other online books stores inventory to see what other kind of disgusting material is being sold? We could but it would take forever, the thing that needs to happen is these stores need to police themselves.
So do I think we should boycott Amazon, no I don't because I'm sure that Amazon has a system in place to ensure that objectionable material does not make on to the sales pages, and of course what is objectionable too you may not be to me. ( Although there is no doubt this is objectionable to 99.9% of Amazon shoppers) Amazon has guidelines and this case was probably just some human error, yes let them know how you feel but if you do boycott your going to hurt the hourly employee's not the CEO.
So Amazon just try a little harder, I never heard of something like this from you guys before so the likeliness of this happening again is probably pretty low, so clean up your mess, talk to your customers and let's get ready for the holidays.
Book pics courtesy of treehuggers.com
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