Hello America, I have a serious question for you today. Is The United States ready for President Bush #3. I say why not? In my opinion the Bush clan so far has had a impressive run as being the President of this great nation. Even though Bush senior may have only been a one term President he accomplished many things, as far as I am concerned his only down fall, and the only reason he didn't win reelection was because he ended the Persian Gulf War to soon, actually his reelection bid looked like it would be successful until the end of the war.
Of course President Bush Jr. we all know his accomplishments although many people to this day like to drag his name through the mud, he will go down in history as one of the best and most honest presidents this country has ever had and most importantly him and his policies against terrorism is still what is protecting us this day.
So what about Mr. Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, what did he accomplish in that job that would make him qualified to be the next President of the United States of America. In Florida right now he is most remembered as the education governor, because he made education reform a high priority. He introduced the A+ plan to achieve consistent standardized testing across all schools.
Believing that Florida schools had failed the students rather than the students failing school he implemented a system funding public schools on a comparative grading system as well as championing school vouchers and charter schools.
Jeb Bush was also the first republican governors ever reelected to a second term despite being named the number one target of the DNC , this was based on the fact that we was very accessible to the public which made him very popular. In appointing members of his administration he had a very non discriminating attitude, by appointing more women, blacks, and other minorities to high government positions than any other Florida Governor in history.
In my oppion Jeb Bush would be an excellent choice for President of the United States, he is not the only person I am eyeballing for that position and I will keep you posted on those I believe would be qualified. Although I am Republican at heart my goal for the 2012 election is to get those candidates elected who would best govern this country with no regard to their party's, it is time for the citizens of this great country to take charge and stop voting right down the line just because of their party. Its not the people in charge who has gotten this country in trouble, it is us the people who elected them!!
Photo courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel
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