Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Republican Rebound

Well the election of 2010 is over, and the American's who did vote spoke their piece I guess! As usual we are fickle voters, first we turn the House of Representatives back over too the republicans supposedly expressing our frustration with politics as usual. Whoa, wait a minute here yes the House is now led by our beloved republicans 239-183 but there is something wrong with this picture it seems we still left the Senate in the hands of the democrats 51-47 although with some close races there is a chance republicans can pick up a few more.

One big disappointment for many is the fact that Senator Harry Ried is going to be around another six years in Nevada, we all know that Nevada is a gambling state so they are sitting their hopes on him once again, however in year or so when people in Nevada realize what they have done they will probably wish they had followed the lead of the majority of the nation. I only say this because of Reid's voting record regarding various abortion amendments, which he is constantly flip flopping on. It appears on one abortion amendment he votes yes to provide government funds for abortion, then as elections become closer he starts to vote no on providing government funds for the same thing, look at his voting record on the following senate amendments voted on from 2007 to present, 3330, 2707, 2962, 3896.

In California it wasn't a surprise that Boxer won as well although it is a great disappointment to me, she is old establishment who is totally into government herself and she needs to go, it just seems that the voting public of America really don't know what they want, although the republicans won back the house, without a majority in the Senate no matter what they and their Tea-Party friends try to do to put President Obama in check is going to still be an uphill battle.

Well I have much more to say about this election but for now its off to school to hear all the younger students complain how Prop 19 here in California didn't pass only to later find out the majority of the complainers didn't vote any way. Have a great day!!

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