Ok this is a continuation from my last entry, I am truly very frustrated with the American people right now, like I commented on my last post I can understand some people don't agree with us being in Iraq, that's not me I think us going into Iraq was a case of sooner or later and if President Bush hadn't sent us in when he did, we would have ended up there eventually and the causality list would have been much larger than it is today.
Now Afghanistan, how can a true red blooded American not believe we should be there. The Taliban allowed Al Qadea to operate within the borders of Afghanistan with impunity before and after the terrorist attacks on American soil. One thing I do agree with is that President Bush should have put the majority of the emphasis on Afghanistan during this entire period. I do however believe the people in this country who insist that this is a war the United States wanted or started and that we need to pack up and leave no matter the consequences are anti-American and have no idea what the consequences would be.
I knew marines who have paid the ultimate consequences in Afghanistan, matter of fact I was on the ship that sent the first marines into Camp Rhino, I remember that day as clear as I remember my son being born. I was stationed on board the USS Dubuque, LPD-8 which is an amphibious assault ship. We were part of the amphibous battle groups centered around the USS Pellilu, USS Dubuque and USS Comstock. On Sept 12th, 2001 we were in Darwin, Australia on a port visit, now of course because Australia is clear on the other side of the world it was Sept 11, 2001 in the United States.
I was on board the ship in a duty status, while the other 75% of the crew where on liberty in the city when suddenly other people on duty aboard the ship that day started talking about a airplane hitting one of the buildings of the World Trade Center. I remember at the time everyone just assumed it was a small Cessna or similar personal use airplane.
Me and the other guys from our division moved into the office and began watching events unfold in New York, still thinking that it was a horrible accident, when suddenly on the television screen a huge jetliner appeared and almost immediately crashed into the second tower.
Then all hell broke loose.
to be continued. Picture courtesy of craft-addict.com
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