Hello all, that's if there is anyone out there actually reading this blog, it just seems I don't get a whole lot of time to work with this as I want to, with school and a family it is very hard. My dream for this blog is to keep posting at least once a day, even if there is no one reading it as I just like to write and I don't have allot of people around to voice my opp ion on things.
There is always something going on during my day that I either like or don't and I just want to let it be known how I feel, I wish it was easier to mobile blog on here because I have tons of time commuting on the San Diego Trolley going back and forth to school. I spend about 4 hours a day at school and about the same amount of time going back and forth from school. If there was a better way to Mobile blog on here I would probably get more posted.
Today is Friday and I'm going to try and get some things posted on here in between doing homework and hanging with my family, which is something I love to do very much. As for now I am at the San Diego City College learning resource center and need to get some books for a project I am working on for US History, my project is going to be on the Iroquois Confederacy. I like studying the History of the US Indians and how they were treated in our past effects them up to the present time.
Oh one interesting side not on my project on the Iroquois is that my wife Sandi is like half Onondaga which is a tribe of the Confederacy, so in doing this project I'm hoping it may help her learn some of her heritage.
Well everyone I have to get this done, I hope all my loyal readers have a great weekend.
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