Hey here is a new one I've never thought of, and surprised they haven't already been doing it. Schools all over the US just like any business (and face it public schools are a big business) have been hurting financially. All of them are scrambling to find ways either to save money or make money and lets face it the ways many of them have been trying to save money has been doing nothing but hurting our children. Instead of loosing teachers let all schools consider what San Diego is considering; allowing advertising around the school districts campus's.
In an article by Dana Chivvs in AOL news dated 23 March 2010, California's education budget was cut by $17 billion over the past two years with another $2.4 billion getting the axe during the 2010 school year. Also as of the date on her article 23,500 California public school employees had been laid off, and I'm not sure of the number as of today's date I'm quite sure that numbers grown larger despite President Obama's attempts to put a halt to the lay offs nation wide.
During a meeting of the Kansas City, Mo. School Board of Education in March it was announced that they plan on closing down almost half of all their district's schools in 2011 to try and erase a $50 million budget shortfall for next year. The closing of these schools will also result in the loss of 700 jobs, 285 of those teachers.
I could go on all night about all the emergency cost cutting actions being taken by school boards all over the country, with the exception possibly of Wyoming and South Dakota which have large oil and coal revenues to rely on, but I won't because we all are aware of the problems.
Now I know there will be a lot of parents and others who will be totally up in arms about San Diego's proposal to allow advertising in the schools, but I ask you will this advertising hurt? The ads won't be in classrooms to distract the students, the school board will be very selective on what advertising they allow and besides our children are pounded with ads everywhere else including the home.
I say lets back San Diego in this proposal, this is an easy why to bring in revenue; saving education programs and keeping teachers in the classroom instead of the unemployment lines. Our children are going to be hurt far more by not allowing this advertising because as budgets get cut its the student who looses now, in the long run remember these children are our country's future and with out a quality education our future leaders won't now how to lead.
Save our children by saving their education, let them advertise corn flakes in the cafeteria, running shoes in the locker room and video games in the halls, it's not like I'm saying stick a billboard for cigarettes in the schools. These are ads they see everyday, lets let these ads help in their education.
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