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Hello my friends, did a lot of soul searching today and decided San Diego is and always be the best home
I've ever had. There is a lot to say about San Diego.
1. 99% of the people here are awesome and very friendly
2. Sunshine, Yes it's been raining a bit more often lately but Hey we needed it.
3. Close to the beach, love the beach even the freezing 58-60 degree water
4. You can go to the desert in no time to play with your toys
5. Snow, if you love snow and skiing hit the mountains in about an hour.
6. Close to Mexico, great food there, can't get more authentic than that
7. Number one consideration is this is were my wife, son and of course myself are most happy
Since I retired from the navy on 31 DEC 2005, I have traveled the world and have seen so many different things, I've been to places like Hawaii, Japan, Australia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, East Timor, Kuwait, Pakistan, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Kenya, Israel, Jordan, to name a few. Then after retiring in 1985 we just went crazy and traveled the country and find someplace else to live.
1. Gillette Wyoming: This job was great, great benefits and great pay (27 bucks an hour), however the commute was 60 miles one way. My job was mechanics working on the 3 story high dump trucks, huge bulldozers, massive cranes. You name it I worked on it, however after 30 degree's below zero and your outside trying to work but you get pulled off from the mine once temps reach about -31 which happened quite often and they would stick us on cots for anywhere from a few hours to a few days, the most I stayed was 16 days, the thing was though because you were snowed in they paid you for a 12 hour shift daily. The problem became my FSH muscular dystrophy, the cold was killing me so as soon as the son came out in the spring we where heading back to San Diego.
2. Returned to San Diego and was doing roofing job's with a small business man, what we were doing was nail gunning roofs of new factory's and where house being built. I was getting paid about 10 bucks which was good and we were living on Seacoast Ave, with the sandy beach right across the street. However and you will find a lot of however's in my story one morning I got to his office to get the keys to his truck because it was my responsibility to go pick up all the other employee's at home, when I got to his house I knocked, Knocked until his wife answered and said he wasn't going to make it because he was sick, we were all pretty well able to work independently so we asked to see him, she shrugged and said he was in the Garage. We opened the door and he was out of it. Come to find out he was strung out on pills, crystal and alcohol and he got out of control the night before. So no work for the next three days than I will never forget he asked to see us and let us go because he said he was going crazy.
3. Because of that we couldn't pay our rent on time and Kathy, Sand's mother invited us to move to Hawaii with with them. At first I was totally against it, but Sandi at first I was against it, as Sandi and her mother have never gotten along and she can be very verbally abusive to her and I, saying things like "I know Duane's not Jesiahs F----- Dad some wet back Mexican you S----- right in front of him. I ended up having a long talk with Kathy and she said the old days were past and she won't get on us about money (which is her addiction) because I took care of her for 5 years before she married Sandi's 6th step father.
We arrived in Hawaii and with in a week the fights between Sandi and Kathy began. We got out of there as soon as we could.
Well there is more, it's getting late and I will update it tomorrow, God Bless You All